Marjolein in Guatemala
Biosfera Móvil
General Information
Some Spanish
My stories
Biosfera Móvil
Some pictures
The companies
Interesting People
The Chickenbusses
For the Dutch translation/ voor de Nederlandse vertaling:

Biosfera Móvil

On of the interesting projects I got to know during my internship is the project set up by the Guatemalan organisation ProPetén, called Biosfera Móvil. This project consists of a vehicle, a 4X4 pick-up truck that visits the rural communities inside and outside the Mayan Biosfere Reserve in the Petén department of Guatemala. The vehicle is equipped with materials and people to promote and instruct in subjects such as health, environment, effective use of natural resources etc. The Biosfera Móvil works with men and women, as well as with children. The program counts on excellent educators who put all their effort in improving the life standards of local people in rural areas.


During my stay in the Petén region, I accompanied the Biosfera Móvil on one of its trips to a little village called Paso Caballos. This village is inhabited by te Q'eqchi' Maya's. It's a small villages located on the shores of the San Pedro river in Petén. In this village Biosfera Móvil had just set up a new project with turkey's for the women, to make them participate more in the community. Vetinarians would explain the women how to take care of turkey's, how to feed them, what to do when they were ill etc. The women now have their own small turkey business, in where they sell turkey's to other inhabitants of that village.
That day docter Rosalinda from ProPetén had an afternoon activity with the women of Paso Caballos. She would give them education in how to take care of a newborn baby, what to feed the child and how to prevent illness, and how to handle when it would become ill. She also gave education in childbirth protection, where they would find the free condoms, pills against pregnancy.
In order to make things more clear, she uses leaflets with clear pictures, and cloths with different illustrations. Since the majority of the Qe'qchi' people speak their native indigenous Maya language, an interpreter is also present, to translate everything Rosalinda is explaining the people.



While Rosalinda is giving the women of Paso Caballos education in health, Erick, normally the vetinarian of the project, is entertaining the children with educational games. They are all very excited. First Erick would drive the pick-up truck through the village and calls the children through his microphones. When it starts to rain, they have to move to a space with a roof. As soon as Erick get in his car again, children start climbing on the truck, excited about a little drive.
The project sounds perfect, however there is one small Since the organisation ProPetén works on donations or sponsoring, there is not always money enough to send out the Biosfera Móvil. Since I saw how enthusiastic the people of this project worked with the rural inhabitants, how much the inhabitants needed this education, I decided to do something to try to raise some money for this project.

How can you help?

One man can make a difference! Help the Guatemalan people!